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Something large and silvery wobbled through the air and plowed into the desert dirt with a tremendous ka-boom. That much, generally speaking, goes without dispute. The date was July 2, 1947.


Click here to see the autopsy's pictures - Stills from the actual film

In is also a fact-on-record that the government took an immediate interest in... well, whatever it was. The air force dispatched a team to scoop up the wreckage - one metallic chunk was about four feet long - and flew some back to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, for scrutiny. General Roger Ramey, the officer in charge, order his men not to talk to the press. But before Ramey could clamp a lid on the affair, the base's public information officer issued a press release announcing government acquisition of a "flying disc." An Albuquerque radio station picked up a leak of the story. As it broadcast a report, a wire came through from the FBI.

"Attention Albuquerque: cease transmission. Repeat. Cease transmission. National security item. Do not transmit. Stand by . . ."

A day later, the air force held a press conference and announced that what crashed at Roswell was a balloon.

The UFO saga actually began a few days earlier when businessman and avocational aviator Kenneth Arnold chased a squadron of nine "bobbing and weaving" objects as he flew in his private plane. He described the objects as "saucer shaped." Some pithy way at an AP bureau dropped the phrase "flying saucers" into a wire dispatch and, forever, into the English language. The air force said that Arnold had pursued "a mirage."

There have been innumerable UFO reports since 1947. Some have been captured on film, still and moving (the UFOs and the film). They pop up all over the world, even in outer space. NASA astronauts have reported seeing weird objects, and UFO scribe Sean Morton, coauthor of The Millennium Factor, says that NASA photos of the so-called "dark side" of the moon remain, for some reason, classified.

They myth that UFOs only reveal themselves to corn huskers and residents of trailer parks is easily dispelled. A quick scan of UFO history books shows the air corps of one nation or another pursuing unidentifiable "blips" on a regular basis.

On November 23, 1953, an F-89 interceptor was chasing a UFO over Lake Superior when, according to radar operators, the two blips on the screen seemed to merge into one which then blinked off the screen. The jet and its pilot, Lieutenant Felix Moncla, were gone without a trace. For some reason, the air force file on the vanishing contains just two pages. One of them is a page from a book debunking UFO theories.

Nevertheless, Roswell (which among the UFO-intrigued has achieved one-word status) remains the most important landmark in the UFO coverup because, apparently, it has actually been covered up. There is no mention of the crash in the air force's Project Blue Book files. Blue Book recorded all UFO reports that crossed an air force desk along with their various "scientific" explanations. Generally considered the Warren Report of the UFO phenomenon - a coverup posing as an investigation - Blue Book gives Roswell increased prominence by its omission.

Some might write the whole incident off as unlikely, noting that a spacecraft capable of navigating the firmament and engineered to endure the rigors of interstellar travel is unlikely to crash like so many Cessnas. But then there is Majestic 12 (MJ-12). Among many UFOlogists, there is strong belief in the existence of MJ-12.

A committee of twelve eminent military, intelligence, and academic personages, the group was allegedly charted to manage and conceal the most important event in world history - contact with aliens. Albeit dead ones.

According to the MJ-12 "eyes only" briefing paper prepared for Dwight Eisenhower when he was still president-elect, four "Extraterrestrial biological entities," or EBEs, turned up two miles from the crash site. According to some accounts, two of the aliens were still alive at the time and one put up a struggle. The EBE carcasses are now allegedly kept on ice in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

The problem with the Majestic 12 document - the only hard evidence that MJ-12 ever took a meeting - is that it may well be a hoax. No one in a position to do so has ever authenticated it. There is only one mention of MJ-12 in any other official paper, a November 1980 air force analysis of a UFO film that outlines in minute detail how the government is "still interested" in UFO sightings, which it investigates through "covert cover."

That document, like the original MJ-12 paper, somehow seems to good to be true- the smoking fun that every good conspiracy theory needs and lacks. It would be as if some researcher combing through CIA JFK files suddenly produced a memo reading, "Assassination of president scheduled for 11/22/63, Dallas. After consultation with FBI, director recommends triangulation of crossfire be utilized." It would kind of make you wonder.

Real or not, MJ-12 has spawned no shortage of legends and speculation, primarily that it still exists and is still administering the UFO coverup, coping with each alien abduction and saucer crash as it comes up. "Suicided" journalist Danny Casolaro included MJ-12 as a tentacle in his postulated secret government "Octopus." In some versions of the tale, MJ-12 is in charge of cooperation and negotiation with the alien race among us.

Or should that be "races"? John Lear, a self-described former intelligence agent who is now one of the leading voices on the UFO circuit, charges that the government is aware of a veritable Rainbow Coalition of EBEs.

These range from three types of insecto-humanoid Grays, skinny and eggheaded enemies of all mankind, to the friendly Blonds, who look more like humans but who, despite their general good nature refuse to break the Star Trekkish "universal law of noninterference" to save us from the evil Grays. Also on the roster are the Hairy Dwarves (self-explanatory), the Very Tall Race (also self-explanatory), and the mysterious Men in Black.

The existence of the Robertson Panel, unlike that of MJ-12, is not dubious. Convened by the Central Intelligence Agency in January 1953, this board of scientists issued a report that was not fully declassified until 1975.

Chaired by one Dragna. H. P. Robertson, the panel met secretly in the Pentagon for five days. They looked at the UFO cases that appeared to be the most credible - and dismissed every single one of them.

Merely denying the existence of unexplainable or extraterrestrial UFOs, as the Robertson panel did, hardly constitutes a coverup, except under the most circular logic. The panel, however, moved considerable beyond debunking. It recommended that the government take pains to squelch UFO reports, to the point of promulgating an anti-UFO "education" campaign.

"This education could be accomplished by mass media such as television, motion pictures, popular articles," the CIA panel's report said. It went on to suggest using "psychologists familiar with mass psychology" to help assemble the program and even wondered if Walt Disney Studios might be interested in producing anti-UFO cartoons.

The report went on to recommend that UFO enthusiast groups should be placed under surveillance due to "the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes."

None of the Robertson Panel's rather conspiratorial musings prove that the government really has something to hide; deep-frozen aliens, for example. On the other hand, they do give a depressing clue as to how institutions respond to ideas that they deem, in the words of the panel report, "a threat to the orderly functioning of the protective organs of the body politic."

Autor: Carpenoctem.tv


Roswell's pictures gallery

One of the most famous stories in 'UFO history' is that in 1947 an alien craft crashed in the New Mexico desert near Roswell and that civilians arriving at the scene witnessed dead and injured alien bodies. When the military arrived they captured the craft and aliens and initiated a massive cover-up.

The story has been bubbling along for many years, fueled by various pieces of fairly inconclusive evidence. However, 'Roswell Fever' has struck recently with, firstly, US congressman Steve Schiff of the GOA demanding the release of official documents relating to the event and, more importantly, the emergence of film footage which purports to show the military dissection of two of the alien corpses in 1947.

The film has violently divided opinion, but is certainly of sufficient apparent authenticity to warrant close examination.

  • If it is a hoax it is one of the most preposterous (and effective) stunts ever.
  • If it is genuine it is one of the most important scientific and philosophical discoveries in human history.
Whichever is the case it is, at the very least, entertaining to view the evidence for one's self...

Click on the thumbnail images to study a full-size JPEG in more detail.

Too Human?...

One of the most prominent flaws with the Roswell film apparent to the open minded skeptic is that the corpses seem almost too human to be feasibly from an alien with a separate evolutionary history.

Many biologists would accept that it is not so unlikely that alien life from a reasonably similar environment might develop into a 'humanoid' form (2 legs/arms, head on top etc). Convergent evolution, the process by which geographically and evolutionarily disparate species come to resemble each other by evolving into what are simply the 'best designs', is well documented on earth. However, the Roswell footage shows bodies which still seem TOO human: Chimpanzees share 98.4% of human genes (Diamond, The Third Chimpanzee) but are vastly morphologically dissimilar from humans by comparison to the aliens. , suggesting that they must have remarkably similar DNA to humans in order to look like this.

A few theories to explain this include:

  1. Thousands of individuals have reported being abducted by aliens and subjected to medical examinations involving the methodical extraction of ova and sperm. It might therefore seem ( very remotely) possible that aliens have been creating 'more human' versions of their species using gene splicing technology. (perhaps....)
  2. On a less world-shattering, but perhaps equally sinister level, Kent Jeffrey has suggested that the Roswell film may actually show a doctored human body with certain known medical conditions.
  3. The eternal truism of time travel is 'time travel can't exist because if it did there would be visitors here from the future'. It has been suggested that 'aliens' may actually not be space travellers, but travellers in time- tourists from the future if you like. Certainly an extrapolation of our current evolutionary trends could leave us with a small, hairless body and a larger head.
  4. Or alternatively there is some curiously solid evidence that UFOs may actually be relics from our past.
  5. But, to be fair, as editor of this whole web site, I am confindent that I am not being unduly skeptical with the following explaination - They look like humans because the whole video is a piece of dodgy special effects with no scientific credibility, which neither supports nor discredits the concept of extra-terrestrial life. It is merely one many hoaxes in a world of evidence.


Autor: The Roswell Ressources center

Added by Sehrus October 11, 2006



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